Thursday, May 3, 2007

My first blog post in the history of ever!

Hooray! I made a blog! Awesome job, Chris! Hey, thanks dude!

Well...I don't have much to write yet, but I can assure you there will be many rants and random thoughts to come. I gotta give thanks to the whitest Indian kid I know (Dave Patel) for helping me come up with the name for my blog. I seriously sat around for like an hour trying to think of a clever name and was coming up with squat. So I IM'ed Dave and asked him to help me out, and he suggested thinking of a play on words with my last name (Bell). We had all sorts of silly ideas like "Chris Rings His Bell" or "Ringing the Bell with Chris Bell" or "Ring My Bell." Then I came up with calling it "Saved By the Bell," you know, like the early 90's TV show. Zack Morris was the man...THE MAN...a natural born pimp. He still got a ton of chicks even with that excessively large "Zack Morris cell phone." I personally thought Slater was a douche bag. But I digress... So then I thought of other popular phrases with the word Bell in it, and immediately thought of For Whom the Bell Tolls (a classic Metallica song). We decided that to be the most kick-ass name of all the ones we thought of, so I typed it into Blogger and made it so. Now watch...I'm gonna get a letter from Lars Ulrich of Metallica telling me to change the name of my blog or he's gonna sue me like he did Napster. Hey Lars...leave the law to the law makers and stick to playing's the only thing you're good at.


Anonymous said...

Your first post is fantastic! It's great you were able to incorporate your last name into the title too. You're lucky to have an easy one. I have name envy. I especially like your reference to Saved By the Bell. I thought Slater was a douche too. What's with that curly mullet? A guy with a curly mullet should never have that much confidence.

Unknown said...

nice, is VERY nice. haha. thanks for the shout out. i also thought slater was a cockblocking douche but jesse def put him in his place. it was necessary. i like the description of being from the not so urban-suburban streets of bergen county too. nice one haha. arite keep the blogs coming , im sure everyone wants to hear more.

Anonymous said...

being the 3rd person to comment the blog makes my commentary even tougher because all i sound like is a repeat record of jess and dave... that being said. I like Ring my Bell, and you know that cause i used to sing it to you in HS, but Metallica is awesome, and so was napster (lars=bastard), so much easier than torrents, where i have to download a fake file before i get the real one, whats with that. wow i can rant too. well you gave dave a shout out.... i know i'm comin up soon so ill be waiting